Keeping busy after retirement


Even if you’ve been a big hotsy-totsy in regular life, after your 60 things shade to grey.  In my case my wife divorced me.  Well it was to her advantage, she got half my community property.  Half of our three houses, bank accounts and all the hell else!  Well the important thing is always sex, and that dribbled and then died.  She moved to Miami and I think bought a boat.  She sent one of our friends a picture of her with the 7 Cuban boys that navigated her around. I thought only men went wild in their old age for young stuff?

So Boston is a nice town and I still had gobs and piles of money.  Living as long as I had I was accustomed to rather literate and well educated women.  I knew there were shop-girls and secretaries, but I needed better stuff.  I began to focus…

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